About Us

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My Story

Hi, my name is Kenneth Yeong, nice to meet you!

My life has always been inter-connected with youths and children. As a young adult venturing into the corporate world, I was never far away from my passion and calling of working with youths…….a tennis coach to the young giving tuition, serving as a church youth leader, just to name a few.

In 2003, urged with the reassuring voice of friends and family, I started Young Midas Enrichment & Training Services which has grown to be one of the largest training provider to schools in Singapore. My team and I have worked with over 300 schools and 200 000 students.

As a Master Trainer with 18 years of experience, I have innovated numerous learning tools, making it easier for students to apply the concepts in their areas of study. Other than mentoring my team, I continue to conduct home-based coaching, workshops, motivational talks, parental talks to schools and educational institutions. I have also attained the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance certified by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Despite providing a whole suit of programmes to schools, we have seen an increase in demand for study skills training over the years. Study skills training now makes up to more than 40% of the work we do with schools. Questions that keep coming back to me are:

“If the schools see a need for study skills training, why not parents?”

“For schools that does not organise any study skills training, will the students of these schools be missing out?”

“Can we bring our study skills programme to homes?”

That led me to start The Academic Mastery. The Academic Mastery seeks to bring our innovative study skills approach to homes and families via personalised coaching.

Get to know more

My Story

Hi, my name is Kenneth Yeong, nice to meet you!

My life has always been inter-connected with youths and children. As a young adult venturing into the corporate world, I was never far away from my passion and calling of working with youths…….a tennis coach to the young giving tuition, serving as a church youth leader, just to name a few.

In 2003, urged with the reassuring voice of friends and family, I started Young Midas Enrichment & Training Services which has grown to be one of the largest training provider to schools in Singapore. My team and I have worked with over 300 schools and 200 000 students.

As a Master Trainer with 18 years of experience, I have innovated numerous learning tools, making it easier for students to apply the concepts in their areas of study. Other than mentoring my team, I continue to conduct home-based coaching, workshops, motivational talks, parental talks to schools and educational institutions. I have also attained the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance certified by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Despite providing a whole suit of programmes to schools, we have seen an increase in demand for study skills training over the years. Study skills training now makes up to more than 40% of the work we do with schools. Questions that keep coming back to me are:

“If the schools see a need for study skills training, why not parents?”

“For schools that does not organise any study skills training, will the students of these schools be missing out?”

“Can we bring our study skills programme to homes?”

That led me to start The Academic Mastery. The Academic Mastery seeks to bring our innovative study skills approach to homes and families via personalised coaching.


Kenneth is the founder and brain-child of The Academic Mastery. He is also the founder of Young Midas Enrichment & Training Services (www.youngmidas.com), a leading enrichment and training provider to schools in Singapore since 2003. 

Kenneth and his team of dedicated trainers have worked with over 300 schools/educational institutions and trained more than 300,000 students in the area of Motivation, Study Skills, Character Development, Life Skills and Values Education. As a Master Trainer and Motivational Speaker with 18 years of experience, his strength lies in his ability to relate and ‘connect’ with youth through his humorous, passionate, engaging and interactive style. Participants will encounter a learning moment, empowering them to higher levels of learning and appreciation of the subject matter. 

Kenneth has innovated many study skills techniques, making it easier for youth to learn, revise and achieve next level academic gains. He developed the innovative Time Management technique called Power Zones!, integrated Note-Taking and Note-Making method, integrated Concept Mapping method and other study strategies used by schools and their students. Today, Kenneth continues to conduct home-based coaching, workshops, lectures, parental talks, motivational talks and assembly talks on various subject matters to schools, educational institutions and organisations. 

As a Master Coach, he also serves as a mentor to other coaches, continuously challenging them to expand their training horizons and capabilities. Kenneth has attained the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance certified by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Our Philosophy

“I believe it’s the journey that counts, not just results and that every student runs their own race!”

– Kenneth Yeong, Founder, The Academic Mastery

The formation of The Academic Mastery was inspired by the modernising and changing landscape of Singapore’s educational system.

We provide effective and proven study skills strategies needed for one to be an independent and self-directed learner to face the academic rigor and challenges.

We specialise in study skills coaching. We are not subject based tutors.



An educational coaching organisation of choice, empowering youths to excel academically through proven study skills solutions.


The Academic Mastery strives to develop the emotional and intellectual competencies of every individual through the highest standards of coaching, training delivery, pedagogy and character building.


The guys behind the curtains

Our Coaches

Our coaches go through a stringent recruitment and training process to ensure our training deliveries are of the highest standards. All coaches must first have a passion for teaching the young. We also demand that each coach has their own motivational stories to share and impact the lives of their students.

Our coaches are MOE registered and have at least 3 years of experience working with youths. Many have attained the Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) or the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) certified by SkillsFuture Singapore.

“The Academic Mastery really prepared me well to deliver the coaching to the best of my abilities. The team at The Academic Mastery is highly bonded and committed. I am glad to be part of The Academic Mastery’s family!”
Stella Lim
“Started as an educational consultant, I am now a master coach at The Academic Mastery. As a mentor, Kenneth has really guided my development as a coach. I must thank him for believing in me all these years and giving me countless opportunities to expand my coaching horizon and develop my skills!"
Mohammad Fathurahman

What they say

Home-Based Study Skills Coaching

“My son struggled to keep up with his studies and homework despite the tuition he has. But ever since we signed him up with The Academic Mastery, not only did his results for almost every subject improved tremendously, he is also more motivated to do well in his exams!"
Mr Lee Sin Ming
Father of P6 student
“Our children had really poor time management, study habits and organizational skills. With the help from The Academic Mastery, they now manage their time much better and even look forward to doing their homework!”
Mrs Teo Eng Shu
Mother of two Primary School children
“I thought the strategies taught were very practical, easy to understand and effective. My child comes out of each session, telling me how much she enjoys them and looks forward to the next session. Thank you so much Kenneth!”
Mrs Loh Siew Mun
Mother of Primary 5 student
“The tools taught by The Academic Mastery really complimented the tuition my son had. Now, I believe he is equipped to take on any academic challenges and exams.”
Mr James Tan
Father of Secondary 2 student
“My son had poor motivation and it’s always a tough ask to get him to study or to do his revision. After engaging The Academic Mastery, my son now looks forward to the study sessions. His motivation has definitely improved.”
Mrs Lily Lim
Mother of Secondary 1 student
“I think the diagnostic session was really good in identifying my child’s coaching needs. The sessions were very practical and fun as well. We also like that there is a follow-up on Zoom to see how our child is coping and adopting to the tools taught.”
Mrs Sharon Loh
Mother of Primary 6 student
“Frankly, I like that engaging The Academic Mastery is a relatively short commitment as my son is already tied up with so many tuition classes. What I am most glad is that the skills he learned really compliment with this academic tuition classes and changes his approach and mindset to studies!”
Mrs Lina Toh
Mother of Secondary 3 student

School-Based Motivation & Study Skills Programmes

“My students benefited enormously from the Motivational & Study Skills workshop. They especially liked the interactive discussions, role-plays, lesson content and engaging hands-on approach. We are definitely glad to be working with Young Midas Enrichment!"
Mrs Tammy Lim
Head of Department, Secondary School
"We are glad to have engaged The AM's Motivational & Study Skills. We find the training to be comprehensive, relevant and beneficial. My students enjoyed themselves and were thoroughly engaged. We also are pleased with the professionalism of the trainers."
Mr Teo
Level Head, Secondary School
"My students found the programme to be lively, enjoyable and engaging! I especially liked that the reflection and learning points that were emphasized at the end of each activity. We also selected The Academic Mastery because of their comprehensive follow-up services!"
Mrs Ivy Neo
Level Head, Primary School
"My students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. Trainers were engaging, humorous and the teaching was highly practical and relevant. Great job!"
Ms Ng Shi Ping
Level Head, Secondary School
“My child came home to tell me how she loved your workshop and found the training to be really useful! Thank you so much!”
Parent of primary school student
“This is a very useful workshop. Every student should have the opportunity to go through this workshop to prepare them for exams. I am glad that I attended it. Really enjoyed the session!”
Aditya Murawala
Sec 3 Student
“I would recommend this course to other students. It really taught me many important study skills and strategies. The trainers were really engaging and fun-loving!”
Sharon Kho
Sec 4 student
“It is the best and most engaging workshop I have attended. Trainers were knowledgeable and fun-loving too. Really loved the activities!”
Nurul Nur
Primary 6 Student
“I am glad that I had a chance to try-out and apply the skills taught! I really enjoyed the session!”
Joel Tan
Primary 6 student

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